SuN group members over the years
In experimental nuclear physics it is impossible to go far in any research project without the support of a strong group of collaborators. Here are the current and past members of the SuN group at MSU.
Current SuN group members (May 2020) - more info coming soon !!!
Mallory Smith, Staff Physicist, MSU
Andrea Richard, Research Associate
Hannah Berg, Graduate student
Caley Harris, Graduate student
Lauren Hicks, Graduate student
Jordan Owens-Fryar, Graduate student
Alicia Palmisano, Graduate student
Debra Richman, Graduate student
Artemis Tsantiri, Graduate student
Cade Dembski, Undergraduate student
Tuesday Cabang, Undergraduate Student
Ben Maves, Undergraduate student
Previous SuN group members (May 2020) - more info coming soon !!!
Stephanie Lyons, 2016-2019 - currently staff scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mallory Smith, 2016-2019 - currently staff physicist at FRIB
Farheen Naqvi, 2013-2016 - currently staff scientist at MIT
Anna Simon, 2011-2013 - currently Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame
Graduate Students
Alex Dombos, 2012-2018 - currently postdoc at the University of Notre Dame
Steve Quinn, 2010-2015 - currently staff at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Undergraduate Students