Atomic age began 75 years ago with the first controlled nuclear chain reaction
The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research. #nuclear...

Back to the basics: What is a rare isotope?
You may have heard the word “isotope”. It sometimes comes up in discussions with a medical doctor, where an isotope can be used for...

SuNTAN – Removing unwanted radioactivity
The majority of radioactive nuclei undergo beta-decay, a process in which a neutron is transformed into a proton, or vice versa. The...

New experiment with SuN: Nuclear Reactions in Supernovae
A large number of nuclear reactions take place in supernova explosions. During the explosion, a shockwave moves from the inner parts of...

Nuclear Reactions in Exploding Stars
Article appeared in JPhys+ blog The field of Nuclear Astrophysics is an exciting field that brings together scientists from many...

New experiment with SuN@ReA3
This week the SuN group is running an experiment with a stable rubidium-85 beam at ReA3. ReA3 is the re-accelerator facility at NSCL that...

We live in an era where multi-messenger astronomical research is becoming more and more common. This means that we can study the same...

New Experiment with SuN - Looking for Iron-60
This week’s experiment is using the SuN detector in the “stopped" beam area to study the important radionucleus Fe-60. The half life of...

In stellar explosions, such as supernovae, chemical elements are produced in complex networks of nuclear reactions and decays, involving...

Total Absorption Spectroscopy with SuN
The Summing NaI (SuN) detector is a large volume scintillator designed to detect γ rays very efficiently. In the last couple of years,...