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New experiment with SuN@ReA3

This week the SuN group is running an experiment with a stable rubidium-85 beam at ReA3. ReA3 is the re-accelerator facility at NSCL that got all the Nuclear Astrophysicists excited because it can provide unique beams at energies equivalent to stellar environments. The current experiment serves as preparation for the radioactive beam experiment that is scheduled for next month. The final goal is to measure a proton capture reaction that is important for the synthesis of heavy proton-rich nuclei in stars. The setup has several new components and the opportunity to test it with stable beam is extremely useful. External collaborators from Hope College and the University of Notre Dame have joined the experiment together with a large number of internal participants.

The photo shows some of the members of the SuN group (Mallory Smith, Alicia Palmisano, Alex Dombos, Stephanie Lyons) right after installing SuNSCREEN.

SuN group members getting ready for the experiment: Mallory Smith, Alicia Palmisano, Alex Dombos, Stephanie Lyons

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